Latest News

New Guidelines to Uplift Your Squash Club's Court Maintenance

We have released some new guidelines to uplift your squash club’s court maintenance. It is the first wave of three this year to assist clubs to uplift their facilities. Further guidelines to follow this year will be in the areas of floor sanding, lighting, HVAC, changing rooms, lounge and kitchen

We know that in general our courts and club are not up to standards our members expect and we are providing as much support as we can to make it easier for clubs to enhance their facilitiesSee also a case study about how the Te Puke Squash Club have managed to cut their monthly power bill by two-thirds here. If you've got an awesome club uplift story to share, please contact and you could feature in the next edition of The Boast!

If you haven't already, make sure you check out all our previously released resources below including fantastic deals to save your club $$$! 

Fantastic deals from building, flooring, roofing, painting and HVAC suppliers

Network of contractors

Facility guidelines

Full Facility Support page

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