

Mysquash cropped


New account registrations for MySquash are currently closed as we prepare for the upgrade and new subscription model to be released on 6 February. New club members will automatically receive a MySquash account and access once their club is set up. You will be sent a welcome email inviting you to activate your account and set up a profile.

Non-members will be able to set up accounts and purchase subscriptions from 7 February.

If you are a current graded player and cannot access your MySquash account, contact support@squashnz.co.nz  to request for a new welcome email to be sent.

Taking the Squash experience to the next level 

MySquash is our new mobile-friendly, digital engagement tool for competitive and casual players, administrators, officials, coaches and supporters.

  • Improved grading list, rankings, and match history powered by SquashLevels.
  • A one-stop-shop for players to access their club features and MySquash accounts (for clubs using the Frello club management system).
  • New national competition management platform for all graded tournaments and interclub.
  • Casual player ratings and create your own casual competitions.

Please read our FAQ's about the new grading system here

MySquash Player Subscription Features and Benefits

Video Guides and User Manuals 

For a complete library of manuals and video guides, log into MySquash and visit the Help page.

To get you started, here are a few basic guides and videos for the most common questions.

Setting up MySquash

Video Guide - Setting up your MySquash account via welcome email 

Video Guide - Using MySquash 

User Guide - Setting up your MySquash account via welcome email 

User Guide - Setting up multiple MySquash accounts with the same email address

MySquash Competitions

Video guide - How to enter a tournament in MySquash Competitions

Video guide - How to view draws and results

Saving MySquash to your home screen

MySquash and Hello Club is  a progressive web app (PWA) which is fully mobile compatible. That means you can add Hello Club to your device’s home screen and run it just like any other app, and even receive push notifications to your mobile device.

Rather than having a native app which you download from the App Store or Play Store, this allows it to make the full set of features from the platform available to anyone on any device, and roll out new updates much faster, without having to maintain three different apps. 

iPhone or iPad
1. Open Safari and navigate to MySquash 
2. Tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen, which looks like a box with an up arrow
 3. Select Add to Home Screen 
4. If prompted, you can edit the name to MySquash
5. Tap Add in the top right corner

1. Open Chrome and navigate to MySquash
2. Tap Share on the right of the address bar 
3. Select Add to Home Screen 
4. Confirm or edit the website details and tap Add

Trouble with MySquash loading? 

Here are a few troubleshooting tips to try if you are having issues with MySquash/Frello loading on your PC or device

  • Try using your home wifi as some home and public wifi networks have security settings which may block the site.
  • Make sure you’re using the latest versions of your web browser. If there are updates to be installed then install these.
  • If using Google Chrome, go to the menu by clicking on the three stacked dots on the top right of the page. Go to Clear Browsing Data and tick Cached images and files, then Clear data.





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