Club Resources


Building strong relationships with other groups and businesses in your community can go a long way to helping your club achieve its desired outcomes. There are many different organisations that play a vital role in growing and supporting the game at the community level.

1. Introduce your club to your Regional Sports Trust

There are 17 located throughout New Zealand and each exists to support levels of physical activity and strengthen club infrastructures. Find out more

2. Talk with your Territorial Authorities

Local and district councils support community squash through investments such as facility improvements, sport delivery and events. Find out more

3. Meet with nearby Primary / Intermediate and Secondary Schools

Primary / intermediate and secondary education providers are key partners in the community and creating a link can offer a pathway to your club. Find out more

  • Get in touch with your Regional Sports Directors and Secondary School Sports Coordinators. Find out more

4. Utilise your local Volunteer Centre

There are 21 located throughout New Zealand and each exists to support community organisations with volunteerism. Find out more

5. Engage with Tertiary Institutions

Universities and polytechnics provide a range of participation opportunities through inter-faculty, social leagues and regular competitions. Find out more

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